Meanwhile at the top of the standings... The Assassins one-week hold on 1st Place didn't last, as the killers suffered a sudden 16-point drop. Consequently, they were passed by the Mudhens and Cobras. Clucky rises again! But our fine feathered friend can't get too comfortable, because those sneaky spitting cobras are poised to strike at their heels, lurking a mere 1.37 points behind the leader.
Here's how things sit with 4 weeks worth of statistics in the books:
Things look pretty tight don't they? Less than 10 points separate the 3rd place Assassins from the 8th place Maygamers. That's close.
And while it sucks to be trolling around the sub-basement of the standings, the Jokers and Lemmings can take comfort in my 1-week rise up the HARL standings as proof positive that there's still plenty of room for movement at this early stage of the season. If the Rhinos can do it, well then, why can't they?
As April comes to a close, I thought now would be a good time to examine our first Team Points Graph of the 2008 season. Remember, if your colored bars are rising over time, your team is headed in the right direction (up the point standings). For instance, the Cobras have been making steady gains since the first stat period.
Conversely, if your colored bars are decreasing over time, your team is in a downward spiral points-wise. The Maygamers are an example of this, bleeding off points since they sat atop the standings after Week-1.
Sorry for the smallish graphic, but you can't post a full-sized screen shot here due to the limited layout space.

I'm beat and that's all I feel like writing for now. I'm thinking about starting to post snippets of fun stuff (like stats analysis, quirky comments, etc.) later in the week, rather than writing one big news-post every Tuesday Night. Spreading things out into smaller chunks may feel like less of a burden for me, while keeping the content of the blog fresh. We'll see how things go.
As always, your comments and suggestions are welcomed.
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